Blog for employers

Blog for employers

Steuerfreier Ladestrom für Elektrofahrzeuge: So profitieren Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber

Steuerfreier Ladestrom für Elektrofahrzeuge: So profitieren Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber Für Arbeitgeber bieten E-Lade-Pauschalen eine attraktive Möglichkeit, ihre Mitarbeiter bei der Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen zu unterstützen und gleichzeitig steuerliche Vorteile zu nutzen. Durch die Bereitstellung von...

Car subscription - flexibility without limits with uRyde

Nowadays, flexible mobility solutions are more in demand than ever. Especially in urban centers, where parking space is scarce and environmental awareness is high, employees are looking for alternatives to classic car ownership. This is...

Company bike as a sustainable and attractive employee benefit with uRyde

Company bike leasing is a popular employee benefit for good reason – including on the employer side. It enables employees to get to work in an environmentally friendly and flexible way, without any traffic jams...

Mobility budget - Book all mobility services in a tax-optimized way with one card

Introducing a sensible employee benefit and at the same time promoting sustainable mobility behavior among employees - wouldn't that be it? As an attractive employer, with uRyde you provide your employees with a dedicated mobility...

Successful integration of company and shuttle buses into the uRyde app

Ridesharing, public transport and now also factory and shuttle buses All mobility services in one app, that is uRyde’s claim. For this reason, uRyde began integrating company and shuttle buses into the uRyde app early...

Moving more together in the region - city, company, institution hand in hand

uRyde moves entire regions uRyde's goal with our customers is to create sustainable, resource-saving and efficient mobility together. uRyde is moving forward in each region in a coordinated manner, as part of a joint consortium...

Sustainable mobility on campus with uRyde

Corporation and startup - A successful cooperation for sustainable employee mobility

Corporations and startups - collaboration that benefits everyone uRyde's goal is to create sustainable, resource-saving and efficient mobility in cooperation with our customers. uRyde is moving forward in each region in a coordinated manner, as...

The Deutschlandticket as a job ticket - it's that easy with uRyde

The Deutschlandticket - A Germany-wide ticket for public transport In May 2023, the Deutschlandticket was introduced nationwide as the successor to the 9-euro ticket. With the Deutschlandticket, you can use local public transport systems nationwide...