Mobility budget - Book all mobility services in a tax-optimized way with one card

Introducing a sensible employee benefit and at the same time promoting sustainable mobility behavior among employees - wouldn't that be it?
As an attractive employer, with uRyde you provide your employees with a dedicated mobility budget, which they can spend on 50+ mobility services worldwide can. From car sharing or subscriptions, bike sharing or leasing, to public transport, taxis and e-scooters to charging at the e-pillar or the gas station - with uRyde everything is covered! Your employees can use the mobility budget you set completely flexibly and individually for their mobility needs. Not only do you support your employees financially, but you can also specifically promote sustainable means of transport with a focus on carbon footprinting in accordance with Scope 3 and efficiently reduce your emissions from employee mobility.
Tax-attractive and sustainably mobile
You can make the mobility budget available to your employees through salary conversion or as a salary extra.
Salary conversion
- If you make the mobility budget available to your employees as a salary conversion, there is no benefit in kind according to Section 37b EStG and there is no exemption limit. The monetary benefit must be taxed regularly by your employees. Therefore, salary conversion is only suitable for the special regulation for car subscriptions/leasing and job bikes.
Salary extra
- If you make the mobility budget available to your employees as an extra salary, this is exempt from income tax or social security contributions up to a benefit-in-kind exemption limit of €50 according to Section 37b EStG .
- If the exemption limit is exceeded, you can apply a flat rate tax of 30% according to Section 37b Paragraph 2 EStG, which is borne by you and paid directly.
- Environmentally friendly means of transport such as public transport are even supported by tax law and are Free of income tax or social security contributions without limitation.
Since different tax rates apply for each means of transport, you will receive a monthly tax preparation from us via the uRyde dashboard, which you can process automatically for your payroll in your payroll accounting. Further information on taxation by individual means of transport can be found here .
Examples of use from practice
Employee A buys a Germany ticket with his mobility budget and uses this as a means of transport to get to work in the coming month. At the same time, he can also use this for private activities on the weekend.
Employee B enjoys cycling when the weather is good. On sunny days, he uses his mobility budget to rent a bike to get to work. When the weather is bad, he prefers to take a car and get it from a car-sharing provider with the flexibility of his mobility budget.
Employee C is always dependent on his car due to his living situation and poor public transport connections. He drives to work in his hybrid car and uses the mobility budget at the e-charging station to pay.
Company car and bike leasing
The uRyde mobility budget can also be used for company cars or bike leasing. As an employer, all standard tasks such as approval and contract processing as well as tax settlement are taken care of and automated according to your specifications. This means you can control all processes and services centrally via the uRyde dashboard. You can find further information on this using the example of bike leasing here .
In a nutshell - your advantages with the uRyde mobility budget
- A virtual credit card for all mobility services, such as public transport, Deutschland-Ticket, car sharing, bike sharing, ride sharing, taxi, e-scooter, (e-) refueling and much more.
- Flexible Use according to the individual needs of your employees
- Free of income tax or social security contributions up to an exemption limit of €50 per extra salary
- Targeted promotion of sustainable means of transport and efficient reduction of your employee mobility emissions according to Scope3
- Budget management, usage statistics and automated tax processing for your payroll via the uRyde dashboard
- Tags: Mobilitätsbudget